Home Travelling & Transport Airport Codes What is the ZAR Full Form

What is the ZAR Full Form

ZAR Full Form
ZAR meaning, ZAR definition, ZAR stands for, zar meaning in urdu, define ZAR, ZAR meaning in english, ZAR meaning in hindi,

ZAR Full Form is Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek

ZAR meaning is Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. In the African language, it is called Suid-Afrikaanse Republiek. This state was independent and internationally recognized between 1852 to 1902 and nowadays it is called South Africa. It got freedom from the British Empire. The British were objected to the name of Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek and changed the name to South Africa in 1900.

ZAR Currency Code of South African Rand

ZAR is the currency code of the South African Rand. South African Rand is the official currency of South Africa and this currency is subdivided into 100 cents. The official users of this currency are South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, and Eswatini. Various types of conversions like USD to ZAR, Euro to Rand, Pound to Rand, Rand to Dollar, and USD to Rand. These commonly asked on the internet.

ZAR is IATA Code of Zaria Airport

Zaria Airport is located in Zaria the city of Nigeria. The airport is located almost 7 Km away from the city. It is a public type airport and operating under the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria. A non-directional beacon is installed on the field at the Zaria Airport.

ZAR Full Form is Zero Assumption Recovery

ZAR meaning is Zero Assumption Recovery. This solution provides solutions for the read-only comprehensive data recovery. It is used when a hard disk is damaged and data transfer from this to another medium without intact the original hard disks. With the help of ZAR data can be recovered within windows and formats like FAT16/32 and NTFS.

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ZAR Full Form is Zone Availability Report

ZAR stands for Zone Availability Report. This term is used in the military set up and zones in the lists are available for drop zones.

ZAR Full Form is Zone of Artificial Resources

ZAR stands for Zone of Artificial Resources. This term is used in video games for the artificial resources that are created for every zone.

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