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What is the CHD Full Form

CHD Full Form
CHD full form, CHD meaning, CHD stands for, CHD definition, CHD full form in medical,

CHD Full Form

CHD full form belongs to various fields of life like medical, organization, transportation, technology or etc. The CHD meanings and some CHD definitions are given below:

CHD Full Form is Coronary Heart Disease

CHD meaning is Coronary Heart Disease. It is also called Ischemic Heart disease (IHD), Coronary Artery Disease, or simply heart disease. CHD has involved in the reduction of blood flow to the heart muscle due to the build-up of plaque in the arteries of the heart. It is the most common type of cardiovascular disease. Types of CHD consists of myocardial infarction, stable angina, unstable angina, and sudden cardiac death.

CHD have various types of common symptom is chest pain or discomfort in the chest which may travel into the shoulder, back, arm, neck, or jaw. It is also found that shortness of breath in a patient may also occur and sometimes no signs are shown. But sometimes it may feel like heartburn and usually, signs occur with exercise or emotional stress, last less than a few minutes, and improve with rest. In most cases, the first symptom is like a heart attack. It may also lead to some other critical complications like heart failure or an abnormal heartbeat.

CHD Full Form is Congenital Heart Defects

CHD meaning is Congenital Heart Defects. CHD is also called a congenital heart anomaly or congenital heart disease. So that it is a defect in the physical structure, functioning of the heart, or main vessels that are present by birth. The symptoms and signs depend on the specific type of defect and will be different as per defect.

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The categories of symptoms can vary from no symptoms to life-threatening or critical signs. During the CHD symptoms may involve poor weight gain, rapid breathing, bluish skin which is called cyanosis, and feeling tired but CHD does not cause chest pain or chest discomfort. In the present age, babies with CHD live a healthier and longer life. Most congenital heart defects are not associated with other diseases but babies with CHD required various types of procedures or surgery during the first year. A complication of CHD is heart failure may occur.

CHD Full Form is Compressed Hunks of Data

CHD stands for Compressed Hunks of Data. It is the type of compression in the MAME specific format and it is used in hard disks, compact disks, and laser disks.

CHD Full Form is Chicago Hittite Dictionary

CHD meaning is Chicago Hittite Dictionary. CHD is a project at the University of Chicago Oriental Institute to build a comprehensive dictionary of the Hittite language and launched by Hans Harry Hoffner and Gustav Güterbock in 1975. This project was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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