Home Alphabetical Philadelphia Short Form

Philadelphia Short Form

Philadelphia Short Form

Philadelphia Short Form is PA

Philadelphia Short Form is PA. Philadelphia is an American city and its nickname is Philly. It is the sixth-largest populous city in the country and ranked at 1st position in the state of Pennsylvania. It is a cultural, educational, and economic hub. It was founded in 1682 by William Penn. Philadelphia was a colony of Great Britain in the past. Philadelphia International Airport is the major airport in this city. Most of the population of this city declared themselves Christian.

Short Form of Philadelphia

Other short forms of Philadelphia are also available that are used in different fields of life. Some of them are given below:

WordPhiladelphia Short FormCategories
PhiladelphiaPHMedical, Pathology
PhiladelphiaPHLMarket Code, Travel
Army, Marine, Military
PhiladelphiaPhilada.Cartography, Geography, Location
PhiladelphiaPhOncology, Medical
Name, First Name
Philadelphia Short Form

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