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What is the PSI Full Form

PSI Full Form
PSI Full Form, PSI stands for, and PSI meaning.

PSI Full Form is Pounds Per Square Inch

PSI stands for Pounds Per Square Inch. It is also called a pound-force per square inch because it is a basic unit of pressure or stress. In System International (SI) units, 1 psi is approximately equal to 6895 N/m2.

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PSI Full Form is Phil Spector International

PSI stands for Phil Spector International. It is a record label in the music industry and it was operated between 1970 to 1980. It is basically used as the reissue label.

PSI Full Form is Partito Socialista Italiano

PSI stands for Partito Socialista Italiano. In the English language its called the Italian Socialist Party as mentioned in its name it was the socialist party later it became the socialist democratic political party in Italy. It is the aged party in Italy. PSI was established in 1892 by the three Italian politicians Filippo Turati, Andrea Costa, and Anna Kuliscioff. It was banned in 1926 and legalized in 1944.

PSI Full Form is Partai Sosialis Indonesia

PSI stands for Partai Sosialis Indonesia. In the English language its called the Socialist Party of Indonesia. It was the political party based on socialist views that were established in 1948 and banned in 1960 by the then-president of Indonesia Sukarno. The main leader of this party was Sutan Sjahrir and this party was also publishing the newspaper named Pedoman. Its headquarters was located in Jakarta capital city of Indonesia. Internationally it was affiliated with the Asian Socialist Conference.

PSI Full Form is a Proliferation Security Initiative

PSI stands for the Proliferation Security Initiative. The United States of America has started this effort to stop the movement of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). It is not only to stop the movement of WMD but also stops their delivery systems as well as related materials to the non-state actors and also state. The idea of PSI was presented by John Bolton the former NSA of the USA in 2003. PSI was endorsed by 105 states of UNO members.

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PSI Full Form is Paul Scherrer Institute

PSI stands for Paul Scherrer Institute. It is the multidisciplinary research institute located in Switzerland. It is using almost 35 hectares of land and research in natural and engineering sciences. It belongs to the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Domain of the Swiss Confederation. PSI is conducting basic and applied research in the fields of human health, matter, materials, energy, and the environment.

PSI Full Form is Pechersk School International

PSI stands for Pechersk School International. It is a private school established in 1996 in Kiev, Ukraine. Its motto is “A Place Where We Belong” and their classes the average number of students are sixteen. This school is providing quality education to the student from early childhood to diploma level. The diploma of PSI is recognized in 74 countries with more than 2337 universities.

PSI Full Form is Phi Sigma Iota

PSI stands for Phi Sigma Iota. PSI is an honor society of the United States of America and its members are selected from the Junior and Senior outstanding graduates of foreign languages and literature. It also selects the students from the literature discipline including the Comparative literature, philology, Classics, bilingual education, and applied linguistics.

PSI Full Form is Physics Society of Iran

PSI stands for the Physics Society of Iran. It is an Iranian based professional and academic institutions to promote the research work in the field of physics. It is a non-profit organization and the purpose of this organization to promote the contact between the professional physicists and members from the country’s higher education academic members.

PSI Full Form is the Planetary Science Institute

PSI stands for Planetary Science Institute. It is the United States of America non-profit research institute based in Tucson, Arizona, USA. The purpose of this organization is to research the planetary sciences and it was established in 1972. PSI also contributed to many NASA projects.

PSI Full Form is Poetry Slam, Inc.

PSI stands for Poetry Slam, Inc. It is a non-profit organization and it was founded in 1997. Poetry slams are responsible for events that are arranged for the poetry slams in the world. It has three main flagship events like National Poetry Slam (NPS), Individual World Poetry Slam (iWPS), and the Women of the World Poetry Slam (WOWps).

PSI Full Form is the Policy Studies Institute

PSI stands for Policy Studies Institute. It is a British think tank and research institute established in 1931 as a political and economic studies center. But later in the year of 1978, it became the Policy Studies Institute. It was merged with the center for studies in social policies in the year of 1972. This institute has delivered, disseminated, promoted insightful, high-quality evidence-based research that affects society.

PSI Full Form is Population Services International

PSI stands for Population Services International. PSI is registered as a nonprofit global health organization with various types of programs that focus on child survival, HIV, malaria, and reproductive health. It was established in 1970 and its headquarters is located in Washington DC, United States of America.

PSI Full Form is a Professional Skills Institute

PSI stands for Professional Skills Institute. It is a private for-profit run as a business named as a technical school in Maumee, Ohio and it was established in 1978. This institute is specialized in training for allied health professions and offers associate degree and diploma programs. Its motto is “Career Education for a Lifetime of Success”.

PSI Full Form is Professors for a Strong Israel

PSI stands for Professors for a Strong Israel. It is an academic group based on Israel and they describe this group as a “non-partisan organization of academics united by a shared concern for the security and the Jewish character of the State of Israel.” This group was established in 1988 and it also stepped up after Oslo Accords in 1993. This group is against the creation of a Palestinian state.

PSI Full Form is Prudential Securities Incorporated

PSI stands for Prudential Securities Incorporated. It is also called Prudential Securities was the financial services arm of the insurer, Prudential Financial. It was operational between 1981 to 2003 and its headquarters is located in New York, United States of America.

PSI Full Form is Psychiatric Solutions, Inc

PSI stands for Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. It is also called Psychiatric Solutions and it is a Psychiatric facility operator in the USA. It was established in 1997 by the Joey A. Jacobs, Bryce DeHaven, Clayton McWhorter, Richard Treadway, & Douglas Lewis. It is operating in the United States of America and its headquarters is located in Franklin, Tennessee, United States.

PSI Full Form is Public Services International

PSI stands for Public Services International. In the public services sector, it is the global union federation. These workers are working in health care, municipal services, social services, central government, and public utilities. It was established in 1907 and its headquarters is located in the Ferney-Voltaire, France. It has 30 million members in 154 countries.

PSI Full Form is Paranormal Site Investigators

PSI stands for Paranormal Site Investigators. It is a charity organization established in 2004 in the United Kingdom. The purpose of this organization is to dedicate advanced education, research, and development in the area of anomalous experience. This organization almost have 1400 members. Uk National Lottery services funded this organization for three-time that lottery service funded the organizations for a good cause.

PSI Full Form is the Pandemic Severity Index

PSI stands for Pandemic Severity Index. It was a proposed classification scale for the purpose of reporting the severity conditions of influenza in the United States of America. The Pandemic Severity Assessment Framework in 2014 replaced this index.

PSI Full Form is the Pneumonia Severity Index

PSI stands for the pneumonia severity index. It is also called the PORT Score and it is the clinical prediction rule. The medical practitioners can use this rule to calculate the probability of morbidity and mortality among patients with community-acquired pneumonia. This scoring system is used in the decision making about the patients whether they need indoor or outdoor treatments.

PSI Full Form is the Protein Structure Initiative

PSI stands for Protein Structure Initiative. It was a USA based project and the main sponsor of this project is the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). The main aim of this project is to accelerate discovery in structural genomics and contribute to understanding biological function. The project divided into three phases. The first phase is regarding the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI-1), the second phase is to study the implementing the high-throughput structure determination methods developed in PSI-1, and the Third and final phase are all about Biology, began in 2010 and consisted of networks of investigators applying high-throughput structure determination to study a broad range of biological and biomedical problems. This project was ended in 2015.

PSI Full Form is Program Specific Information

PSI stands for Program Specific Information. It is part of a MPEG transport stream and metadata about a program. ISO has defined the format of this PSI and according to ISO format of this data it has four tables which are known as:

  • Program Association Table (PAT)
  • Conditional Access Table (CAT)
  • Program Mapping Table (PMT)
  • Network Information Table (NIT)

The specifications of MPEG-2 does not specify the format of the NIT and CAT.

PSI Full Form is Private Sector Involvement

PSI stands for Private Sector Involvement. This term PSI was first time introduced in the late-1990s in the context of the discussions on capital account crises and bond restructurings. It was used normally used any kind of private-sector involvement into any existing government projects like health care and family planning.

PSI Full Form is Permanent Staff Instructor

PSI stands for Permanent Staff Instructor. It is a rank of warrant officer class 2 (WO2), or senior non-commissioned officer of the Regular British Army who has been selected to instruct Army Reserve soldiers.

PSI Full Form is Personalized System of Instruction

PSI stands for Personalized System of Instruction. It is also called Keller Plan that was developed by Fred S. Keller with Carolina Bori, J. Gilmour Sherman, and Rodolpho Azzi in the middle 1960s. It was developed as an innovative method of instruction for the then-new University of Brasília. The Keller plan has five essential elements like written materials, Units of content, Self-paced instruction, Unit mastery, and Proctors.

PSI Full Form is the Pollutant Standards Index

PSI stands for Pollutant Standards Index. PSI is used to indicate the quality of air means that this index number shows the pollution level in the air. In different countries, this ‌index has various names like Air Pollution Index, Air Quality Health Index, and the Pollutant Standards Index.

PSI Full Form is Pre-Shipment Inspection

PSI stands for Pre-Shipment Inspection. It is the part of supply chain management PSI is one of the inspections that is undertaken before shipment when we buy something from foreign suppliers. It is the quality control method for checking the products. For the inspection sample selected at random order according to the standards and specifications.

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