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What is the JCB Full Form

JCB Full Form
JCB full form, JCB long form, JCB meaning, JCB ka full form, what does JCB stand for, JCB full form in hindi, full form of JCB machine, JCB stands for, JCB full form in english, JCB full meaning, JCB full form price, full form of JCB bulldozer, full form of JCB in hindi, JCB meaning in english,

JCB Full Form is Japan Credit Bureau

JCB meaning is Japan Credit Bureau. It is also called JCB Co., Ltd. and it is a credit card company that is based in Tokyo, Japan. It has few strategic partners in the field of credit cards like Union Pay, Discover Network, American Express, and Rupay. JCB was established in 1961 as Japan Credit Bureau. These cards are issued in more than 24 countries.

JCB Full Form is Journal of Cell Biology

JCB long-form is Journal of Cell Biology. It is a journal based on the cell biology discipline and it is owned by Rockefeller University and published by the Rockefeller University Press. It starts publishing in 1955 and was first time published online in 1997.

JCB Full Form is Journal of Crustacean Biology

JCB stands for Journal of Crustacean Biology. It is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal based on crustacean scientific research. JCB is published by the joint venture of the Crustacean Society and Oxford University Press. It is based on the English language and starts published in 1981.

JCB Full Form is Juris Canonici Baccalaureus

JCB full meaning is Juris Canonici Baccalaureus. It is the degree programme in the field of Canon Law.

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